So I know you are on top of this but here is a reminder that the rough draft of your IA is due next Thursday / Friday the 13th and 14th.  Update.  Due date Monday/Tuesday December 17th 18th of December.  The IA for history is basically a short research paper that ultimately will have the following components;

An OPVL section, a research paper and a reflection.

The word limit for the historical investigation is 2,200 words. A bibliography and clear referencing of all sources must be included in the investigation, but are not included in the overall word count.

A. Identification and evaluation of sources. 6 points possible.

~500 words.  OPVL on TWO of your sources

B.  Investigation ~1,300 words.  This is the part that looks like a traditional research paper. Be sure to cite your sources.  15 points possible here.

C. Reflection ~400 C. Reflection 4 points possible.  Don’t worry about this for rough draft.

Bibliography – You MUST INCLDE full bibliographic information in your rough draft.

So ultimately 2,200 words total worth up to 25 points.

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